How Will/do You Incorporate Reading and Writing, Speaking, and Listening in Your Classroom?

Dr. B SaysWhen a teacher makes use of activities that have been peculiarly designed to incorporate several language skills simultaneously (such as reading, writing, listening, and writing), they provide their students with situations that allow for well-rounded development and progress in all areas of language learning. In her reflection, Anna refers to activities that make utilize of 'the four skills' merely she is not quite sure how to program activities that incorporate all iv. In this department we will discuss the 'four skills' also some activities that tin be used in the classroom to promote all iv.

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What are the 4 skills?

  • Reading (comprehension skill)
  • Listening (comprehension skill)
  • Speaking (production skill)
  • Writing (production skill)

How are the iv skills used in the linguistic communication classroom?

Through daily activities, teachers provide learners with opportunities to develop each skill: students listen (to the instructor use the target language, to a song, to one another in a pair activity), speak (pronunciation practice, greetings, dialogue creation or recitation, songs, substitution drills, oral speed reading, role play), read (instructions, written grammar drills, cards for playing games, flashcards) and write (fill-in-the-blank sheets, sentences that depict a feeling, sight or experience, a dialogue script, a journal entry).

This approach, however, does non combine the iv skills and so that they can be used together to reach the aforementioned finish (i.e. language development that is well-rounded).

Spotter the video to meet how this language teacher uses four skills activities in her classroom.

How tin can the iv skills exist used together effectively?

The four skills piece of work in tandem when the activities that require their employ are designed to support learners in the process of learning, creating and producing a specific production. Iv approaches in particular are structured so that the four skills can be used simultaneously. These approaches are: the focal skill approach, content-based teaching, task-based instruction and the project-based approach.

The Focal Skill Approach
The goal of the focal skill arroyo is studying in the SL in lodge to acquire it. This second language curriculum stresses the counterbalanced development of listening, speaking, reading and writing by measuring competency in each skill and then focusing on the development of the weakest skill. Resources like those adult by the International Eye for Focal Skills (ICFS) employ placement tests to identify weak skill areas.

Content-based Instruction(CBI)
Oxford (2001) describes approaches to CBI, which include theme-based & adjunct learning. Theme-based CBI focuses on a theme of high interest to students and develops a wide range of language skills around that theme. The learning of the content requires considerable exposure to a variety of forms of information, which, in plow, requires the employ of all four modalities.

In the adjunct course of CBI, linguistic communication and content courses are taught separately but are carefully coordinated so that literacy, oral language development and thinking skills are positively enhanced. In this approach, the content teacher presents content to students while the language teacher brings vocabulary, grammar and subskill evolution to students' attention through typical exercises, all of which focus on the lexicon of the content.

Chore-based Instruction(TBI)
According to Nunan (1999), task-based instruction (TBI) uses tasks or stand-aline activities which require comprehending, producing, manipulating or interacting in the target language. The amount of listening, speaking, reading and writing involved to complete the trouble posed by the task is dictated by the task itself; notwithstanding, most circuitous (multi step) real-life tasks that accept learners into the world outside the classroom will utilize all 4 skills. TBI helps learners explore the multitude of communication opportunities provided in their surroundings. The tasks themselves are scaffolded according to the cognitive demand required to consummate them and can be carried out individually, in pairs or in minor cooperative groups.

Projection-based approach
This approach concretizes the integration of not simply the four skills but likewise language, civilisation, experience and learning strategies (Turnbull, 1999). With the careful selection of a final project that requires learners to demonstrate what they have learned through both oral and written production, the teacher plans backwards to identify what aspects of language, culture, experience and learning strategies are required to consummate the finish project.

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What are some examples of activities that integrate the four skills?

Two activities that make use of all four skills in tandem are Self-introduction and Reading and Retell.

Self-introduction takes the answers to a series of personal questions (proper name, historic period, grade level, where you alive, members of your family, favourite sports, animals, colours, subjects, etc.) and sequences them into a self introduction. Students are given big visuals to trigger each component of the self introduction. The teacher can point to each picture while modeling a self-introduction (students are listening) and so invite learners to introduce themselves (speaking) to i or 2 if their peers. Some of the visuals tin then be changed and the students tin can be invited to introduce themselves to others in the grade to whom they have never spoken. This activeness can be adapted to become a regular (daily, weekly) warm-upwardly action to get learners talking in the target language. Having covered listening and speaking in the oral cocky-introduction, a scenario can then be created wherein learners must write a cocky-introduction to a potential homestay host. The same moving-picture show cues can exist used, reconfigured to bear witness a salutation, endmost and signature. The picture cues provide learners with support without giving them a text to memorize.

In multilevel SL classes, graded readers can be excellent springboards for another activity that integrates the 4 skills- a reading and retell. Get-go, learners select a book or story at their own level and read it. Learners are then given a template to follow to summarize their thoughts nigh the story (writing). The summary is designed to help learners gauge the amount of detail required in a retell. After additional practice reading the summary silently and aloud several times, learners are asked to select two or iii illustrations from the book to help them tell the story. They then practice telling the story by using the pictures and remembering what they wrote in the template. Students discover a partner who has not read the same story and retell (speaking) their story to one another using the selected illustrations. Partners non merely listen to the retell but too complete a feedback checklist (writing) about the retell. Afterward reading the feedback, partners switch roles.

Why are four skills activities useful?
Iv skills activities in the linguistic communication classroom serve many valuable purposes: they give learners scaffolded support, opportunities to create, contexts in which to use the language for exchanges of real data, evidence of their own ability (proof of learning) and, nearly important, confidence.

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