Which of the Following Can Be Helpful When You Are Studying for a Test?

Hundreds of candidates accept already transitioned to the latest version of the Architect Registration Exam® (ARE®), ARE 5.0. For those of you ready to start testing, we compiled a comprehensive list of all our study resources—including exclusive prep videos, a complimentary demo exam, and real-time help from NCARB experts. As a reminder, every candidate who takes an ARE 5.0 division before Jan 31, 2017, will receive a $100 Visa gift card!

ARE five.0 Video Prep Videos

Watch our video series to acquire about each division, exam your knowledge with sample questions, and pick up tips on navigating the new item types.

  • Exercise Management
  • Project Direction
  • Programming & Analysis
  • Projection Planning & Pattern
  • Projection Development & Documentation
  • Construction & Evaluation
  • Exam Strategies
  • Exam Navigation

ARE v.0 Sit-in Exam

Curious about what yous'll experience at the examination center? With the Demo Exam—available for free in My NCARB—you can explore ARE 5.0's interface, test drive the new item types, and exercise using the on-screen tools.

ARE five.0 Customs

Through the ARE 5.0 Customs, you tin can get reliable answers from NCARB's experts (many of whom are architects), share report tips with other candidates, and fifty-fifty beginning a local study group. Plus, yous'll find stride-by-step instructions on how to transition to ARE five.0 and schedule an appointment.

ARE v.0 Handbook

The ARE 5.0 Handbook is your become-to resource for agreement the new examination. The 170-page certificate includes a breakdown of each division, sample questions, helpful formulas, common abbreviations, and more. Information technology besides includes a list of references that our builder volunteers apply to write exam questions.

ARE 5.0 Guidelines

An essential resource for every test taker, the ARE 5.0 Guidelines provides an overview of the test, plus details on scheduling appointment times, what to expect at the test center, receiving your score, and more.

Looking for boosted tips and resources? Browse our collection of ARE v.0 blog posts.


Source: https://www.ncarb.org/blog/are-50-study-materials

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